Meet The Spiritual Biologist


“You can’t do anything about the length of your life. But you can do something about its width and depth.”

-Evan Esar

Short Bio

Allow me to introduce myself! I’m Katie Yoder and I’m a recovering awkward person. I have recently gone through my awakening process which has made my life that much more awkward! All of my life I have been an independent introvert who has guarded against other humans and instead, retreated into the world of Environmentalism. Since my awakening, I have realized that humans are part of the environment and need saving too. Save the humans, save the planet!

Not long after this realization, it was brought to my awareness of what I needed to do. That is, becoming a thought leader in bringing science and spirituality together. The current model of science is starting to no longer work and it is because scientists refuse to accept spirituality as a real occurrence. I believe that they actually compliment each other and I want to provide thoughts, descriptions and insights as to how they do. These insights are completely different from what is currently being taught in our universities and religions. I want to go into detail about a new concept that is called, Spiritual Science.

I have always had a scientific mind and a love for nature, which lead me to having a background in Biology and Forestry. The combination of having this scientific background with being a spiritual person, is why I now refer to myself as a Spiritual Biologist. 

I was raised with one foot in science and one foot in Christianity. I was able to learn both sides of the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Creation. However, having a foot in each “box” soon started to tear me apart. I couldn’t have it both ways. I had to believe we either came from apes or we came from dirt and God’s breathe. I decided I would go for the middle ground and be agnostic. Maybe there is a God, maybe there isn’t. I needed to find the answers to some very hard questions first. 

Well, I finally found my answers and now I want to share it with you guys. So here I am, on this new path of discovery that has brought me here. That is what this website is all about. Presenting my findings on how science and spirituality go together. 

“The path isn’t a straight line. It’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.”

-Barry H. Gillespie

Extended Bio

I have always loved and have been fascinated by science. I love it because it feels like a means of bringing me closer to nature and the universe. It helps me to better understand the world I live in and the things I am constantly surrounded by. I want to know what it is I am looking at while I am in nature, and science has provided a way for me to know and understand.

Starting around the age of 14, I started questioning the things that were being taught to me within the realms of Christianity. Something about it just wasn’t quite clicking for me, I just didn’t know what it was. At that time, I was going to church three times per week, sometimes more. I was trying my best to understand it all and follow the principles of it. But at age 14, I was still to young and naive to know what could possibly be missing. Everyone around me told me I just needed to have faith and believe.  But no matter how hard I tried to believe and accept it all, I couldn’t shake this feeling that something was missing. It was slightly off somehow, I just didn’t have the answers and neither did anyone else.

After graduating college in the fall of 2011, with my B.S. in Biology, I still felt confused about what to believe in. I didn’t seem to fit in any one “box”. Even after spending all of those years indulging in the sciences, I still felt as though something was missing. The same missing feeling I had when I was in Christianity. However, I still couldn’t bring myself to become an atheist, even though the majority of scientists are. If you’re not in religion, and are in the science field, then you must be an atheist. Those were my two options. 

I have also always considered myself to be a spiritual person. Not only was I looking to the outside world in order to make sense of things, I was also looking into the inside world within me. Since I have always felt this spiritual connection, I pursed different religious beliefs, hoping to fill this “void”. I needed answers that made sense of what was going on within me. To find a group I could connect with and plug into, that I would be able to understand and who could in turn, understand me.

I bounced around from one belief to another for the better part of 15yrs before I realized something. There is no “true” religion or belief system. Everything has been designed by humans to mold and fit the means of a particular type of people. The one common denominator I found in all of them was that of love. LOVE. Like the hippies proclaim? Could I be a hippie? Peace and love to all! I guess that could become my lifestyle. Although, I don’t think my hair would look good in dreadlocks. Either way, I concluded if I wanted to I could create my own belief system, based on my worldview and experiences and how everything relates to ME. I could take bits and pieces from the religions that resonated with me and turn them into something new. This left me proclaiming to be an atheist, even though that term still didn’t feel right to me. After all, I am a Biologist. I believe in science. Shouldn’t that put me in the box of “atheist”? I felt like there had to be more that I was missing and wasn’t seeing. 


I have always been the type of person that questions things.

  • Why are things the way they are?

  • Why do people believe what they believe?

  • Why do I believe what I believe?

  • And why is it so different form everything else being taught out there?

I have also been the type of person that could never be confined to any one “box.” The more someone would try to shove me into one, the more I would break free from it. I also came to realize there was no one particular box suited for me. This left me feeling lost and confused for a few years. Not knowing where I “fit in.” Because of this, it has caused me to retreat further and further into the natural world rather than engaging with humans.

Part of my natural, Human Design is to be an investigator. I literally investigate and look into and research everything about a topic that interests me. For example, when I was a child, I fell in love with horses. This love interest drove me to learn everything there is to know about horses. I still have an immense passion for them and even to this day, I could cough up 90% of all horse related information and spit it out at you, even though I don’t actually own one. In my early adulthood, this “investigator” within me is what drove me down the path of “what do I believe in?” and looked into all types of religions in search of an answer. Basically, as an investigator, I look deep into things until I require enough information to get a satisfying answer. Well, I finally found my answer and now I want to share it with you guys. 

So here I am, on this new path of discovery that has brought me here. That is what this website is all about. Presenting my findings on how science and spirituality go together. 

My Interviews

  • Listen

    Listen to my interview, “The Science of Woo-Woo”, with the Dream Chasers Podcast.

  • Watch

    Watch my interview about “The Science of Woo-Woo”, with Connor Flynn on YouTube.

Work With Me!

Learn how I help people heal by bringing a scientific tool into the realms of spirituality

Connect With The Spiritual Biologist


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