Free Stuff!

Everything on this page is available for FREE and free to share! My gifts to you. Enjoy!

Self-Love Meditation

This guided meditation is for those who struggle with loving and accepting themselves. So often, we put our focus of love towards other people and things, but rarely do we ever direct that love towards ourself. This powerful meditation will help develop a deeper love towards yourself.

Quantum Energy Reading

Healy is an innovative piece of technology that is the next evolution in healing, wellness, spirituality, and bio-hacking. It creates a bridge between the Quantum Field of information and the physical and biological fields of matter. Find out what it has to say about you! For FREE!

The Spiritual Biologist’s Newsletter

I promise I won’t bombard your inbox! I also promise you will occasionally get free gifts and motivational emails filled with tips that will help inspire you to live your life fully!

Listen on Spotify

In this episode with The Dream Chasers Podcast, we discuss topics such as:

  • Professional tree-hugging

  • Finding your own truth

  • How I got interested in spiritual science

  • Extrasensory perception (telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance)

Watch on YouTube

In this video, Connor Flynn and I dive into the topics of:

  • Why I go by Spiritual Biologist

  • My spiritual awakening

  • Why we need to be more open to discussing spiritual occurrences