What is Spiritual Science?


All true spirituality is scientific and all true science is spiritual.

Spiritual science is able to explain the mechanisms behind spiritual phenomena.

Spiritual science is combining spirituality with science by applying the scientific method towards spiritual phenomena, producing predictable and repeatable results. It is evidence-based and gathers scientific data from quantum physics, biology, physiology, psychology and philosophy in their relation to spirituality. 

Through this method of approach it has been found and documented that science actually COMPLIMENTS spirituality and can help breakdown the multi-dimensional nature of how man and the universe operate and relate to one another. It is able to explain in more detail the mechanisms behind what goes on during spiritual phenomena.

There is actually a shockingly large amount of scientific articles out there that can help explain our understanding of spirituality and spiritual practices through the means of a scientific approach.

Spiritual science is looking at science in a new way and with an open mind. It is a type of science that is evolving as more and more data is collected and is able to shed some light on our understandings of some very ancient truths.


The one thing that science and spirituality have in common is that they both try to explain the nature of our reality. Where they differ is one is purely physical and the other non-physical. 

By combining the physical with the nonphysical, we can better understand the true nature of our reality that the modern scientific worldview cannot offer, and frankly, is currently choosing to ignore. Instead of separating the two and keeping each in their own box, we need to realize that the two actually go hand-in-hand and you cannot have one without the other. This challenging combination makes these two approaches both controversial and unique.

Understanding Spiritual Science

To understand spiritual science is to understand that through spiritual expression, manifestation can take place in the physical form. In other words, the nonphysical creates the physical. It is also understanding that there are different levels of expression, depending on the level of intelligence carried about by the entity. This includes everything from inanimate objects such as rocks to the highest form of “Source Energy” or “God”. 

Within spiritual science, you will find there is no need for a religious belief system, nor does it ask you to leave behind your current belief system. You can be affiliated with any religion, or lack there of, and still be able to appreciate and accept what spiritual science has to offer. It is for anyone who is willing to put dogma aside and just take a look at the facts at face value. All it takes is a shift in perspective and an open mind. With a shift in perspective, it can open up a whole new approach and concept of what science is and stands for. An approach that is not limited by beliefs and assumptions.