Bridging The Gap

Between Science And Spirituality

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“Watch for a moment in which two opposing perceptions occur. Wanting to go and not going, knowing and simultaneously not knowing. In the midst of this dilemma, let go of both perceptions and jump into the interval between. Reality flashes forth. Your being is the shining field of awareness, the continuum in which opposites play.”

-Lorin Roche

My goal here is to help bridge the gap between science and spirituality. A bridge is all about connection. They are used to connect two sides in order to allow movement between the two. It is joining two things together. Spiritual Science is joining the physical with the nonphysical. The limited with the infinite. Mind with matter. All the while each end of the spectrum being able to retain it’s own individual qualities. 

The world is currently split between those who experience and acknowledge spiritual phenomena and those who deny it’s existence while refusing to look at it. By connecting modern scientific data with ancient spiritual concepts, we are able to bring a unity to the current duality that the world holds. We can start to see the true nature of our existence and reality.

Since spirituality is all about consciousness and more-than-human experiences, it is no wonder that those who believe in science do not believe in spirituality. Spirituality is thought to only involve religious beliefs, however, one can be spiritual and not religious. It is possible to walk away from religion,  become an atheist and still be a spiritual human. Just because you say no to religion does not necessarily mean you have to go all in and fully say yes to scientism.

There is a way to have them both and people are finding there are spiritual practices that are compatible with both religious and nonreligious belief systems. There are atheists and scientists out there who are currently exploring the notion that people can benefit from spiritual practices, and these practices are now being incorporated into the secular world. From this, new forms of spirituality are being discovered and are based on the individual themselves, not on dogmatic religion. They fill a spiritual need that neither materialism nor religion can provide.   


As I’ve mentioned earlier, both science and spirituality try to explain and make sense of what our reality is.  They also both agree that we live in a universe that is multi-dimensional. If we are able to accept that our universe has different dimensions, then that is to accept there are different realities and different entities that dwell within these different layers.

The main focus of science is on attempting to explain the physical, 3-D reality that we humans currently live in. On the contrary, spiritually and spiritual practices  focus more on the nonphysical, higher dimensions that are just beyond our range of normal perception. Even though they both acknowledge the existence of a multi-dimensional universe, the core belief systems of each have been restricted to what is their own individual viewpoints. This restriction, in my opinion, limits both sides to discovering what the whole “truth” and “bigger picture” looks like.

I do believe there is a type of religion within science, that is, science can be considered a religion. By accepting the scientific worldview as the only form of “truth” to our existence, shuts us down from all other possibilities. We take what we are taught in school to be true and trust that our professors know what they are talking about. We read and study our textbooks, looking at all of the data that is presented to us. We do not question any of it because we have put our “faith” into the teachings of scientists that came before us, believing they have all of the answers.

So, until we are able to come together and see both of these viewpoints as two sides of the same coin, our world will remain divided. We need to learn to talk about spirituality in rational terms. We need to allow science to go down the nonphysical path. If we can find a way to get past these “religious beliefs,”  we will open up an endless amount of possibilities and have an enormous amount of potential to make this leap into the true nature of who and what we are and why we are here. Science doesn’t have to follow the “rules” of materialism any more than spirituality has to follow the “rules” of religion.