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Emotional Balance

Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet. It is the body’s reaction to your mind.

The mind includes more than just thoughts. It includes your emotions, as well as all other unconscious and emotional reactive patterns. 

Research has shown that strong emotions can cause changes in the biochemistry of the body. These biochemical changes represent the physical, or material aspect of the emotion. If you cannot feel your emotions, or are cut off from them, you will eventually experience them on a purely physical level. As a physical problem or symptom.

Do you get caught up in your emotions?

The more you are identified with your thinking, that is to say the less present you are, the stronger the emotional energy charge will be. However, you are not always conscious of your thought patterns. The Emotional Balance Healy programs will bring to light these hidden thought patterns so that they can be addressed and be brought back into harmony. 

  • Creative Homeopathy-Psyche: Determines which psychic and emotional patterns are most in need of harmonization. Provides the frequencies of 348 various homeopathic remedies, relevant to you during the time of the reading.

  • Bach Flower Remedies: provides the frequencies of 39 different Back flower remedies, and as an added bonus, provides a list of corresponding essential oils, gemstones, and orchids you can work with.

  • Alaskan Gem Elixirs: Want to work with crystal and gemstone frequencies?This program group provides the frequencies of 48 different crystals and stones .

Ready to get started?

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation today!