

Bioenergetic support when leading an active and stressful professional life

Healy provides valuable bioenergetic support when leading an active professional life, offering programs which have the goal of promoting deep relaxation and physical, psychological and emotional balance for people leading a stressful everyday life.

When leading a stressful working life it can feel like being stuck on a treadmill. You might have been in a situation where you’ve had little regard for your own needs and wants. During such a personal crisis, external commitment often seems more important than your inner voice calling for a break or a change of direction.

If this call is ignored for too long and if your own limits are permanently exceeded, the body may adopt a “refusal attitude“ that can lead to the deactivation of entire functional areas. This in turn can lead to prolonged fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders and hypersensitivity to stress.

  • Activation: stimulation of mental clarity.

  • Balance Nerves: promotes the beta state.

  • Exhaustion Acute: supports stress resistance.

  • Exhaustion Systemic: bioenergetic balancing of the adrenal hormones to relieve feelings of exhaustion.

  • Extreme Stress: bioenergetic support of mental and physical balance.

  • Fatigue: energetic reduction of stressors.

  • Positive Thoughts: energetic orientation towards positive thoughts.

Ready to get started?

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation today!