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Mental Balance

Face your life balanced and full of confidence

The mental balance and subconscious of the human being are complex and host all feelings and thoughts. It is where all mental characteristics and the specific personality traits of a person lie.

The human being is a unity consisting of body, mind and soul. Thus, one can have physical complaints caused by mental imbalances.

An imbalance can lead to various disorders that we all want to avoid, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, neuroses and other symptoms. To bioenergetically support your mental balance with Healy, we have composed the following program for you:

  • Contentment Acute: supports your sense of inner balance during recovery from certain dependencies, such as nicotine.

  • Contentment Systemic: balances the inner sense of self to help avoid addictive and compensatory behaviors.

  • Emotional Well-Being: helps to energetically balance you when you feel emotionally blocked.

  • Feel Good Systemic: helps make you feel better and uplifts the mood when feeling down.

  • Inner Unity: restores the sense of psychic wholeness.

  • Inner Strength Systemic: promotes self-confidence when feeling uncertain, insecure, or anxious.

  • Mental Balance Acute: supports positive thinking.

  • Well-Being Soul: helps to balance and support you while resisting habitual and compulsive behaviors.

    Ready to get started?

    Book your FREE 30-minute consultation today!