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Skin & Beauty

The outer beauty is decisively influenced by the inner beauty

Our skin is the largest organ, fulfilling many vital functions. It is not only a respiratory, metabolic and protective organ, but also a visible “showpiece“ representing beauty, youthfulness and health. The skin, being the outer covering or our body, forms the physical boundary between our inner and outer world. The outer beauty is decisively influenced by the inner beauty, which is influenced by factors such as intestinal health, inner balance and bliss.

Nuno Nina‘s experience in bioenergetically supporting inner balance and relaxation as well as his expertise in defining the appropriate frequencies for sustainable bioenergetic support of the skin have been integrated into the Healy Beauty program.

Healy offers you the right bioenergetic support for damaged skin. If an injury does not heal smoothly, scar tissue develops and can act as a source of disturbance. An untreated scar can cause a variety of complaints, which can strain both the body and the soul of the affected person.


Acne mainly occurs on the face of the affected person. In addition to the external “flaw“, there is usually also pain. The inner conflict, which can be a mental imbalance or a possible food intolerance, is literally written on the face of the affected person.


Wounds can occur anywhere inside and outside our body. An external violent, accidental or targeted action leads to an injury, which can manifest itself in a separation of the tissue or the destruction of the skin, mucous membrane or organs.

Using Healy, you can provide bioenergetic support for a wide range of abrasions, cuts, bruises, and surgical wounds during regeneration, as well as disease-related wounds resulting from a lack of blood circulation.

In our experience, scars can trigger or aggravate chronic pain, osteoarthritis, hormone disorders, limited mobility, depression, allergies, fatigue, and neurological disorders. It can be observed that the disorder rarely occurs directly in the scar area, but instead in the weakest part of the body.

  • Acne Systemic: promotion of toxin transport within the skin.

  • Scars Local: local stimulation of scar tissue.

  • Scars Systemic: balances energetic interference fields in scars.

  • Support Wounds Local: supports cells through local stimulation.

  • Support Wounds Systemic: bioenergetic stimulation of the cell metabolism.

  • Aging: bioenergetic fostering of the epidermis, support for relaxing your expressions.

  • Hair: bioenergetic stimulation of the follicles and support of the cell organelles. (The “organs” within the cell)

  • Inner Beauty: supports the coherence and expression of your energetic field

  • Nails: bioenergetic stimulation of the nail bed

  • Skin: bioenergetic stimulation of the follicles, provides support to skin cells

  • Skin Elasticity: bioenergetic promotion of the lymphatic system

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