What is Healy?

Healy is a holistic wellness device that is used to support and balance the body’s Bioenergetic Field (BEF) by applying specific frequencies called Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF), in order to bring your BEF back into harmony. It not only is able to analyze imbalances on the physical, mental and emotional planes, but also gives recommendations of which Healy IMF programs will harmonize your BEF.

Healy supports the flow of energy and improves the coherence of your Bioenergetic Field.  It contains a Quantum Sensor that is able to conduct an Information Field analysis in real-time, for every program that is run. Out of the 144,000 frequencies, Healy is able to analyze the correct frequency according to the needs of your BEF.

With 360 different programs to choose from, Healy supports a range of imbalances:

  • Chronic pain

  • Insomnia

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Digestion

  • Emotions

  • Migraines

  • Focus

  • Fitness

  • Hair & Skin

  • Chakras

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Mind . Body . Spirit

How are you feeling mentally, physically, and energetically?

The flow of live energy connecting body, mind and spirit, is traditionally known as Chi (or Qi) and Prana. In scientific terms: An information flow on the quantum level.

Healy replenishes and connect the fields of mental, emotional and physical interactions, bringing harmony throughout your entire being. 


“If you want to find the secrets to the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

— Nikola Tesla


Bringing consciousness and matter into alignment with frequencies.

We know through quantum physics that we are made of energy. Everything around us is made up of frequency and vibration. Energy is always moving, it is never stagnant. This constant movement and flow is what we call vibration.

The intensity, that is the rate at which this vibration occurs, is what we call frequency. When these frequencies match in intensity, we get resonance. Or commonly known as harmony.

The whole human organism is based on a transfer of molecules, energy and information. Healy is a technology that accurately analyzes and harmonizes the body’s bioenergetic frequency for optimal health.

Health Starts at the Cellular Level

This scientific technology is able to heal your body at it’s cellular level. By strengthening the immune system and improving health, it can help activate the body’s own ability to heal.

Every live cell is a battery. Every cell in your body has a negative voltage on the inside, and a positive voltage on the outside. Every cell has about 1.4 volts, and with 50 trillion cells in the body, that equates to 70 hundred-trillion volts of electricity in your body at any given moment!

All of our cells requires the transport of water, nutrients and oxygen to flow freely in and out (metabolism). This transport occurs through valves within the cell membrane, opening and closing as needed. This entire mechanism is based on voltage potential, that is the difference between the voltage  inside of a cell and the voltage between the cells . The correct or incorrect amount of voltage is what is responsible for having either healthy or unhealthy cell metabolism. This mechanism explains why frequency applications can be used for many different purposes.

The Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) applied through the Healy programs are designed to harmonize the BEF and improve communication across the cell membrane by increasing the cell voltage potential. The frequencies range from 0.1Hz to 1MHz, making it possible to harmonize the BEF on the different levels of physical, mental and emotional. 

How Does Frequency Affect Your Health?


Watch this short video to see how Healy frequencies can change blood cells in just 1-Hr of use.


Ready to Get Started?

“When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. For as the body is only as healthy as it’s individual cells, the world is only as healthy as it’s individual souls.”

-Mark Nepo

The Scientific Approach

Various forms of frequency applications have been developed within the last 20+ years by scientists and practitioners. The safety of this method has been proven through rigorous studies and has been confirmed by thousands of applications, now making it acceptable for the public use.

Research done by Robert Becker and Bjorn Nordenstrom suggest that many biological imbalances may be the result of problems with cell membrane tension, that is, the voltage differential between the cell interior and the cell interspace.

Your cell is the smallest building block that occurs in every organ of your body. Although the different types of cells are specialized according to their specific purpose, they all essentially have the same “blueprint” that is stored in your DNA.  Meaning, the structure and internal function of all cells operate in the same manner.

There are over 150,000 different proteins that make a human body. The proteins provide for the physical structure as well as your functions. Vibrations can change the protein in the body. Since proteins give us our structure and function, vibrations can alter our health and our biology. 

The energy in our body that controls the protein, is a vital force.  There’s a protein and then there’s something called the “signal”. The signal can be a chemical (drug, hormone, or growth factor), or a vibrational wave. Proteins respond to both good vibes and bad vibes. So this new science brings back the old story of vital forces controlling life.

When a signal binds to a protein, what happens to the protein?

It will move, it makes a behavior. If you are healthy, the behavior is good. However, if you have a disease, the behavior is bad.

What causes disease?

One of two things can cause disease to arise. Either the protein is bad, or the signal is bad. 

There are three ways to interfere with the signal:

  1. Trauma. Trauma, painful events and negative experiences are not just in our memories, but are stored in the cells of our body.

  2. Toxins. If the chemistry is not good within the body, the signal cannot be passed through.

  3. Thought. There could actually be nothing wrong with the body, but our mind is sending the wrong signal at the wrong time.

It’s like a stream of interconnecting pools. When leaves, branches, and sticks clutter the stream connecting the pools, the flow of water gets choked off.

In a similar way, when our energy gets blocked, everything we want, need, and deserve cannot freely flow to us.

Would you like to clear out what’s blocking your energy so you can manifest the life YOU want?

Founders and Inventors of Healy

Marcus Schmieke

The inventor and developer of the Healy. He studied philosophy and physics and has written more than 20 books about the interconnection between consciousness and matter and other philosophical and scientific topics.

He is also the founder of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute, an institute for applied consciousness research. Here, Marcus and several international physicists, research the interaction between consciousness and matter at a high scientific level. 

Nuno Nina

A researcher and practitioner in the field of work dealing with frequency applications and cell biology. From his research, he was able to compile the theories and findings in the form of a collection of the 144,000 “Gold Frequencies”. These Gold Frequencies are the base-line for the Healy applications.

Order your Healy here!


Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. Always use your Healy in accordance with its Instructions for Use.

Information Field analysis and optimizations are not intended as medical advice and are not substitutes for examination or treatment by a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.Healy provides personalized information that can help users understand  how to improve their level of wellbeing, vitality and awareness. Healy information should not be the only information relied on to make legal, business, medical or personal relationship decisions, and the manufacturer specifically disclaims any responsibility for user actions based on Healy information.